Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today I am proud.
I am proud of the country I am living in.
I am proud that fear tactics did not stop us.
I am proud that our country came out in record numbers to say, my voice counts and I am going to make sure it is heard.
I am proud that the ideals this country was founded on (for the most part) were honored.
I am proud that millions are inspired.
We turned the tables, we made history, we reminded the world that underneath the surface, we are all people wanting the same thing.

Amidst all the pride, there is still a ways to go in our nations growth.

I am saddened that I must refrain from sharing my joy because I am surrounded by close minded people who would attack me for experiencing national pride after this election.
I am saddened that people's fear and hatred has stopped this country from treating each other equally and fairly.
That equality, something our country was founded on, is seen as a privilege that only a select group is allowed to experience.
I am sad that people forget that the same God who made McCain is the God who made Obama, and he made them both perfect.
That regardless of who is in charge, God's will is still going to be done.
That somehow the Republicans of this country are scared and appalled and somehow forgot that us Democrats felt the same emotions when Bush first won the presidency..yet we are still here.

Overall, I am proud of this exciting and wonderful life our creator made for us and am truly happy to have experienced every emotion that this election has stirred. We all are truly blessed for this experience

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Beautifully stated, Becky.

We took a few steps forward and yet stumbled back a few with the passing of hateful and unjust amendments, but we should certainly still rejoice in the progress that *was* made.

Here's hoping that our children have the privilege to experience a more tolerant world.