Sunday, October 19, 2008

Through The Ink

The power of the written word. Now mind you, words themselves are so limiting. Symbols, sounds that were created out of thin air used to describe the things that we feel, the things that we see, the things that we do. But don't you find that no matter how many words you use to express whatever it is you are trying to just doesn't cut it? It still manages to fall short. And often we sigh in frustration wondering if whoever it is we are trying to talk to would ever understand.
But then, there are times when just a few simple words can send a flood of images and emotions through us. There are times when a few simple words can hold more content than a novel or a textbook. But I ask, is it the words themselves that turn this magic light switch within us, or is it our openness to the thoughts. Our willingness to receive the words.
Have you ever noticed how you can sit across someone and not utter a sound, but yet somehow you can feel this wave of emotion pass through you from that person? You can experience the breaking of their heart, the disappointment in themselves, their desperate cries out to God.

I am an actress. Or at least I like to think that somewhere within me that persons still lies awake. I have not acted in quite some time, but I grew up in the theatre. That is to say, I first experienced pieces of who I really was while participating in the theatrical arts. My passion was in musical theatre. As far fetched as some might find this statement to be, I found that musical theatre was the art form that best portrayed what life was really like. How when amazing things happen to you that you have waited and yearned so long for actually unfold before you, it send such an amazing feeling through your soul and body that it felt like your spirit was singing and dancing. Rejoicing in the moment. During the times when everything seemed to crumble of fall apart, the pain and confusion you experience within can only expressed through a soulful ballad. A mourning cry of sorts. Whenever I stepped on to a stage and sang a song or performed a dance, I experienced a piece of my characters truth. And it was amazing.

I went to FSU and studied acting. Did not make it into the highly competitive musical theatre program. It was a great disappointment to me, because i felt that with the proper instruction I could have soared, but I wasn't at the starting place where they needed me to be. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise though. I was therefore left to focus on acting. During my time there, I had the most amazing teacher by the name of Michael Richey. He was one of the greatest teachers I have ever known. He taught me not so much about acting...but about people. About me. He taught me to discover my inner truth. What would I do in this situation? What would I say if someone spoke those words to me? Am I being truthful to myself in these answers, or are you projecting this idyllic perception of yourself. These were tough questions to answer. But having to answer them showed me a glimpse of the person I was. It made me question what led me to become that person. Because the person I wanted to be is also within me, but why isn't that person coming out?
What I realized was that the experiences of the world along with my mind had casted myself to play a part that was not true to who I was. And what I needed to do was slowly shed the makeup, take off the costumes, find myself. Through that recognition, we can find the common thread that is within us all, and then ..THEN we can truly be great actors.
Recently I began reading Deepak Chopra, "Life After Death". What he revealed through the first chapter of this book was that there are different planes of existence. And each plane operates on a different frequency. Our souls emit vibrations of sort that are within the frequency of this life we are experiencing. The reasons why we form stronger bonds with some people and not others is because they are operating at the same vibration that we are. When we drift apart or grow apart, it is because somewhere the vibration shifted and no longer matches our own.
Perhaps I lost you momentarily. But this is what that statement said to me. We emit vibrations that are read by other souls and their vibrations. It's like unspoken text messages to each other. And we in essence have the power to alter that vibration if we so chose. We can change and tune ourselves to be whoever we want to be. We have that power and capability. In the same essence, we have the ability to selectively tune ourselves into the vibrations of another in order to experience whatever it is they are going through. We have the ability to empathize. Maybe that's whats happening when we look into the eyes of one who is in pain and can feel their cries resonate within? We are experiencing or feeling their vibrations. That's what it means to look through the eyes of someone else. That's what it means to experience love at first sight. We are constantly sensing the vibrations of others. We are experiencing their truths without words.
Is it possible to experience these vibrations through the written word? I think it is. You just have to tune into the vibration of the author. I believe that words can hold an invisible stamp of the authors vibration. And it is only when we tune into that vibration, that the we are able to say.."a-ha" and experience that same feeling and process that the author itself is trying to relay. All art forms carry the same stamp. Let's make an effort to feel their vibration. Ahhh...That's some Good Vibrations right there! :)


Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I look forward reading to what you have to say.

Deepak Chopra has never really spoken to me, but what you wrote about words, and sighs, reminds me of a bit of Paul that I only rediscovered a few years ago:

The Spirit "intercedes with sighs too deep for words."

goeschei said...

You have a real intuitive gift. I encourage you to continue to write. As the previous commenter noted, you write in a way that is easily understood and exciting to read.