Friday, February 13, 2009

The Unfortunate Truth

Why do people get married???? I am at a point in my life that I have no idea why I got married. Nevertheless, why I got married twice.

I think I, like most women, were under the illusion that when a woman marries her "prince" that he will take care of her, protect her, tend to her, be there to hold her hands in times of trouble, tell her how beautiful and amazing she is each and everyday, encourage her to do amazing things with her life. We get married to go to "that place" in our lives and to truly share our lives with the person we love so deeply. Well, we were wrong. We all were terribly wrong.

The truth is, I saw my husband more when we were casually dating that I ever do now. I get to see him when he wakes up. For those glorious 10 minutes he comes out of the room, kisses me, grabs a soda, and then he disappears into his routine of getting ready for work. He leaves quickly and I dont see him again until the next morning, when it starts all over again. On his days off, he is trapped in his bedroom watching Sports Center or playing video games with the children. I might get an hour or two of tv time with him in there and then he disappears to the grocery store for an hour and a half to get a taco kit and ice. (sigh)

I think to myself, maybe i should never have married him. If we weren't married, he would have to make an effort to spend time with me and see me. The time he spends with me would not be taken for granted. More importantly, if we were not married, i wouldnt have to spend all my days picking up the diaster areas he leaves behind in the house.

When you get married, you are not taken care of. In fact, I am convinced that men only marry women to get a "mother that they can legally have sex with". They marry you, and then expect you to pay all the bills, do all the chores, do the ironing, dishes, take care of the kids, do the cooking, remember presents on everyone's birthdays, find all the sales, clip the coupons, do the taxes, shovel the driveway, scrub the toilet, and suck their dick all in one day.

I think the beauty of fairy tales were that princes are rich. They had hired help to do everything for them. So there wasnt much left over that the prince needed, so he could spend a little effort showering his woman with affection and praise because afterall when you arent fighting about why the little woman hasnt gotten to the "whites" pile of laundry yet, you have PLENTY OF TIME on your hands.

I think one of two things need to happen in this day and age. Either men need to seriously be educated in chivalry and manners. The importance of people and respect for their feelings....OR all of us women need to stay single. Make a life for ourselves that we can deal with and be proud of and keep a man on speed dial for the times you need sex.

Otherwise you are left on a couch in front of the computer thinking to yourself, " I am married to a man who is never here and has left me with a pack of his children to raise and send him updates on" I feel like those christian charity people who are asking you to send money to sponsor your child and whenever your donation is received, we will send you a picture and tell you how your child is doing. This is Jonathan, he is almost two years old now. He likes Jacks Big Music Show and Mac and Cheese. He is very grateful that you send money to buy him milk. Thanks.


Cheryl said...

Thanks for the shout-out. Yes, I saw me in there, LOL.

I think technology has been a huge culprit in the way we spend our time together, too. There's a lot less talking because the TV is on, the laptop is open, and the texting alert keeps going off. I'm seriously starting to consider a 30-min period of "unplugged" time daily (which will admittedly be hardest on me probably).

Jenny Nash said...

Hey girl - Just discovered your blog. First of all -- love the header. Why didn't I predict you would have some sexy siren on the top? Secondly -- man, I'm glad I'm not alone. My situation is a little bit different, but I have been realizing my own "unfortunate truth" recently, too. Can you say -- therapy? prescriptions? prayer? That's where I'm headed. :) Surely they're right when they say, "What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger." right? Hang in there -- Scream at me whenever you need to.